


Marine Coat is an innovative water-based coating that is infused with nano particles of epoxy resin and graphene. With just a single application, the surface gains salt & UV protection, smoothness, gloss, and easy-to-clean effect. You can apply it on gelcoat, plastics, glass, plexiglass, polyester, ceramics, epoxy and varnished (lacquered) surfaces on your vessel.

Why Choose Us

Professional, Experienced and Affordable

Protected surfaces are easier to clean from salt stains, bird droppings, and many other environmental pollutants. With the help of advanced technology, a second layer can be applied for even longer-lasting and more robust protection.

Protection is free of any aggressive chemicals, solvents or odours. So, it is safe for you, materials and environment (aquatic life). It is safe for indoor or outdoor use.

exclusive Benefits


Our water-based, organic product is safe for you, the environment and all types of surfaces. It is safe for aquatic flora and fauna. It is VOC/solvent and oil free.


If you notice that the coating is losing its hydrophobic effects, it is easy to simply clean and recoat the surface to restore all of the coatings original properties.


The most important protection for your vessel is resistance to salt. Our top coat creates a layer where water and salt can not stick to the surface and therefor salt cannot corrode materials.


Nano particles inside of the coating will protect the surface from a wide range of aggressive UV rays. Thus, materials wont fade, crack or discolor


This protective coating adds high gloss and shine to the surfaces that it is applied to. After just one application, your vessel will look brand new.


We have the most revolutionary and easy-to-apply sprayable 9H coating on the market with our spray & buff application process. This makes our 9H coating very quick and effective.

Use of product

Sprayable Marine Base Coat is used for protection of gelcoat, plastics, glass, plexiglass, polyester, ceramics, epoxy and varnished (lacquered) surfaces on your vessel.

Product benefits

With the proper application of protective coating Sprayable Base Coat and proper maintenance, the durability of the protection will last for up to 2 years.

For the longest durability of protection, we advise using gentle tools and cleaners with neutral or slightly acidic pH. Alkaline cleaners and abrasive tools will negatively impact the protection and with that shorten its lifespan.

Possible application processes

Spray small amount directly onto the surface from 15-20 cm and spread with applicator cloth.

Spray 3-5 times into applicator cloth and apply in narrow lines until the cloth leaves a clearly visible wet trail.

Apply 5-6 drops of on a clean microfiber cloth and spread evenly over the surface.

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